CESVA has spectral analysers, sound level meters, amplifiers and machines
for measuring and assessing impact sound insulation.
Nowadays, good insulation means a comfortable home. The constant increase in urbanised noise has become a serious problem. This is why the efficiency of acoustic insulation needs to be improved constantly in order to achieve maximum comfort inside the home.
The way to assess acoustic insulation is by measuring it (ISO 140), then rating it (ISO 717), with both airborne sound insulation (between rooms, facades and of building elements) and impact sound insulation. The reverberation time (RT) is a parameter that must also be evaluated, for optimum comfort in the home...
Measurement of airborne sound insulation between rooms and facade insulation in 1/3-octave bands (ISO 16283, ISO 140, ISO 717):
Measurements of impact sound insulation of floors in laboratory and field environments (ISO 16283-2 and ISO 717-2). Rating of impact sound insulation:
Evaluation of reverberation time using the interrupted noise and integrated impulse response methods together with quality indicators of the decay (ISO 3382-1/-2):